Italian households, too, are credit constrained, as lending for mortgages and consumption goods has been steadily falling, and rates rising. 意大利家庭也面临信贷紧缺的问题,抵押贷款和消费品贷款数量一直在稳步下降,同时利率不断上升。
Preferential tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has a signed trade agreement containing provisions on special preferential tariff rates. 原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有特殊关税优惠条款的贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用特惠税率。
China s ERP and its Change: Research Based on the Data of 2004; In cases where export goods, to which export tariff rates are applicable are subject to temporary tariff rate, the temporary tariff rate shall apply. 我国关税的有效保护率及其变动&基于2004年数据的考察适用出口税率的出口货物有暂定税率的,应当适用暂定税率。
There is a near consensus, though, that to reduce imbalances substantially without a global recession there will have to be changes in relative prices of imports and exports, traded and non-traded goods, via exchange rates. 不过,有一个问题人们已接近达成共识:要大幅减少全球经济失衡而不造成全球衰退,就必须通过汇率变动,调整贸易和非贸易商品的相对进出口价格。
For taxable consumer goods sold by taxpayers where the sales amounts are computed in foreign currencies, the taxable amounts shall be converted into Renminbi according to the exchange rates prevailing in the foreign exchange market. 纳税人销售的应税消费品,以外汇计算销售额的,应当按外汇市场价格折合成人民市计算应纳税额。
If my business is entering into contracts for the purchase of goods and services, does the contract enable my supplier to pass on the impact of any changes in tax rates arising from the reforms? 如果本企业正在签订购买货物或劳务的合同,在该合同下供应商是否会将改革后税率变化的影响转嫁?
Although interest rates higher, but still more than general unsecured credit goods cheaper lending rates, thus popular mortgage customers welcome. 虽然利率比较高,但还是比一般无担保品的信用贷款利率便宜,因而颇受房贷客户欢迎。
If no such separate assessments are made or if different taxable consumer goods of different tax rates are marketed in packages, a higher rate shall be applied. 未分别核算销售额、销售数量,或者将不同税率的应税消费品组成成套消费品销售的,从高适用税率。
Transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates. 商业上的货物运输在速率上比快运便宜。
The customs value of imported goods under the provisions of this Article shall be based on a computed value. The promotional rates of this hotel are suBject to our room availaBility. 根据本条的规定,进口货物的完税价格应依据计算价格确定。本宾馆促销优惠价根据客房供应情况而定。
Analysts point out that apparent consumption of steel year-on-year in June was negative, in spite of the fact that end-user industries car manufacturing and white goods, for example rose at double-digit rates during the same period. 分析师指出,尽管终端用户行业如汽车制造和白色家电6月实现了两位数的增长,但同期明面上的钢铁消费同比出现负增长。
Its strength has helped make imports of goods from countries with currencies whose exchange rates are closely linked to the dollar, such as China, much cheaper. 巴西雷亚尔的走强,使得从汇率紧盯美元的国家比如中国进口的产品变得便宜了许多。
The State Council Customs Tariff Commission shall determine and promulgate for implementation details of the types of goods subject to the special Customs duty, the duty rates and the time period when such levies commence and finish. 征收特别关税的货物品种、税率和起征、停征时间,由国务院关税税则委员会决定,并公布施行。
We were airing in a lot of goods and that's why air [ cargo] rates have gone up. 我们正在空运许多货物,所以航空(货运)价格有所上涨。
Of various modes of dangerous goods transportation, the shipping traffic is favored for its advantages of large capacity and low freight rates. Chongqing, the city on the Yangtze River golden waterway, has the natural advantages of water transportation. 在危险品的运输中,水运以其运量大,运费低的优势受到青睐,重庆市依靠长江黄金水道,利用水路运输的天然优势,危险品货物运输增速高,种类多、潜力大。